The Blues Orphans


 presenting the mellow musical stylings of Bob Gabig's brilliant songs, including some exciting new ouevres, domestic soap-operas about robots, medical marijuana, salt sugar and fat. A subbbbbbtle blend of Pittsburgh soul, hillbilly hiphop, beatnik bebop, rockabilly satire.


Our CD "Hystericana" is sweeping the nation!  

(Which needs it...just look at that dust.) 

Including the Pittsburgh National Anthem  "Yinzer Polka". 



·             That's Bob Gabig, a cool cat, on guitar & vocals, prolific witty songwriter (funny but clean lyrics, folks), master showman. The Chief! Survivor of many vicious baguette attacks. He crafts songs as pithy poems of hilarity. Oh, and he shreds on guitar like a monster.

·             That's Nelson Harrison , trombone and trombetto and vocals... veteran of the Count Basie Orchestra, Dionne Warwicke, James Brown, The (original) Supremes and the (original) Temptations, Mary Wells, Little Stevie Wonder; inventor, psychologist, Pittsburgh Jazz Network founder, metaphysicist, composer, librettist, etc. 

·             That's Bob's brother Andy Gabig, blues harp, jaw-dropping.  How'd he do that!!???  One of the most distinct and unusual harmonica players ever. He can make it sound like everything from a fiddle to an accordion, and covers a range from jazz to waltz. And he's probably the most humble musician you've ever met.

·             That's Roger Day, a.k.a. Professor Beautiful, pan-ethnic tuba-sin-fronteras-- all jazz, all latino, all klezmer, all funk, all blues, all ears.