Cady and Pooky
Dawn and Linda
Eva and Nathan plan strategy
Family field trip to Eastern Pennsylvania
Garden Scan 8
LInda and Dad at halloween need I say
Linda (in blue) with Ellen Harris (blond, in red)
Linda Day and Linda Casey
Linda and Dawn Elmy
Linda and Roger at her home
Linda and Roger at the wedding, 1983
Linda and Roger, Eastern Pennsylvania field trip
Linda and Roger, around 1954
Linda and friends
Linda and neighbors
Linda at unveiling of Dan Sayers painting Points of View
Linda bushwhacking
Linda garden landscape-2
Linda garden landscape-3
Linda garden landscape-4
Linda garden landscape
Linda with African visitors
Linda with Ben, 1984, at Uncle Pat's, Peggy in back
Linda with Dawn's daughters
Linda with Nathan, around early 1989
Linda with colleagues Scan 39
Linda's clients and friends
Linda's patio, with eva, nathan, ben, abby, and pat
Linda's pond, Linda and Dave
Linda's pond-2
Linda's pond-3
Linda's pond
Near Allen, Kansas
Oliver, Mary Jo, Roger, Aunt Violet, my Dad Roger, Margaret, Aunt Vivian, then Charlene and Linda
Our family
Roger L Day, Linda Day, Roger Day
Roger, Linda, Nathan, John Van Walleghen, cousin Charlene
The family at Nathan's bar mitzvah
The unveiling of Dan Sayers painting Points of View
Visiting our father before his death